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Edward (Ned) 
1621 - 1713

Edward (Ned) 
, 1713 - of St Martins in the fields, London and of Hampton by Hampton Court (he built a house there in the 1660s) and of Westow in Suffolk (presumed from 1670) and of Chrickhowell in Brecknockshire. He is no longer a member of the King's household after the death of Charles II in 1684. MP for Breconshire. ----------- Edward Proger, to whom the estate of West Stow was bequeathed by the will of Dame Bryers Crofts in 1669 ------------- Poss. ancestor: England: Canterbury - Administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1649-1654 Index of Acts of Administration in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1649-1654 County: General Country: England Proger, Phillipp, Martins in the Feilds, Mdx. (by order of Ct.) (ad. Jun 1647 revoked) 1653-4 1 140 ------------- Norfolk Record Office WYCHE OF HOCKWOLD Catalogue Ref. MC 42 Creator(s): Wyche family of Hockwold, Norfolk ESTATE RECORDS Hockwold cum Wilton FILE - Memorandum - ref. MC 42/23, 526 x 8 - date: 1677 hit[from Scope and Content] Memorandum of agreement for Edward Proger to carry out repairs to Hockwold Hall and other properties conveyed by him to Sir Cyril Wyche ----------- ?Suffolk: Rushbrook - Parish Registers (Christenings, Marriages, Burials), 1567-1850 Burials. Portraits. List No. 2. County: Suffolk Country: England 15. Edward Proger. Died 1713 aged 96. ------- Suffolk: Rushbrook - Parish Registers (Christenings, Marriages, Burials), 1567-1850 Burials. Furniture and Books. Ground Floor. County: Suffolk Country: England There are several books which are shown by manuscript inscriptions to have belonged to Edward Proger. These must have come from West Stow, and I will leave them for the West Stow volume. ---- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England 08 Jul 1702. There is a letter among the Treasury papers from Edward Proger to Philip Ryly Esq., who was a commissioner of excise and surveyor of the royal woods and forests. The buildings referred ------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. The Fowke Family. Henry Proger. County: Suffolk Country: England On the death of Edward Proger on the last day of 1713 his daughter, Catherine, appears to have succeeded to the West Stow estate. So I gather from the inscription on her mural tabt------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England Nov 1661. A pension of £500 a year is granted to Edward Proger. C.S.P. I presume that this was for his salary as a groom of the bedchamber. ------------ Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England Here lyes in hopes of a happy resurrection the body of Edward Proger Esq., descended from the Progers of Giuernddee in Monmouthshire. He was page of honour to king Charles -------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. The Proger Brothers. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England In Nov 1646 Charles Proger of Wearndee, Co. Monmouth, compounds for his estate, for bearing arms against Parliament. This must be the late lieut-Governor of Abergavenny. ----------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. The Proger Brothers. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England In Jan 1609 Arthur Proger was granted the office of keeper of the mews at Charing cross for life. C.S.P. He consequently comes into the registers of St. Martin's in the fields. See below. He might b -------------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England Edward Proger appears to have been appointed deputy keeper of the middle or north park in 1662 , but not to have become actual keeper till the death of the duke of Albemarle in Jan 1670 ------------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. Anthony Crofts. County: Suffolk Country: England Proger now became one of the household of Prince Charles. His epitaph says that he was sworn in one of the grooms of the bed-chamber, the king during his imprisonment at Hampton Court having sent an order that it shou ----------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. Anthony Crofts. County: Suffolk Country: England Immediately after getting this letter, or perhaps before it reached him, Edward Proger appears to have been sent from Jersey to Paris on some errand or other. This is shown by the following three letter ----------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England In a note to his edition of the Grammont Memoirs, 1783 , Horace Walpole says that Proger had permission from the king to build it on condition that after his death it should revert to the C ---------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England 03 Mar 1665. A payment is made to Edward Proger of £400 for keeping the deer of the north park at Hampton Court since 13 Mar 1662 , with hay, beans and pease, and also for paling in a piece of gro --------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England 23 Apr 1661. The Coronation took place. A minute account of it is printed in Kennet's Register and Chronicle, 1728 , wherein Edward Proger is mentioned as doing the duties that fell to him as one -------------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. Anthony Crofts. County: Suffolk Country: England Before giving his annals one word as to his name. Properly it is Proger, i.e. Ap Roger, son of Roger, or if we express it English-wise, Rogerson or Rog ------------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. The Proger Brothers. Henry Proger. County: Suffolk Country: England Captain Valentine Proger of Brecknock, gentleman, 33 years. ----------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England 06 Feb 1685. Charles 2nd died. With his death 'Edward Proger ceased to be one of the royal household and his name no longer appears in Chamberlayne. -------------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England This seems to show that after the death of Charles 2nd, Edward Proger lived mostly at West Stow, or at any rate not at Hampton. -------------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. Edward Proger. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England 14 May 1669. Edward Proger petitions the king: I built as ordered a lodge in the North park, Hampton Court, at an expense of £4000, and in 1664 presented a petition for payment out of the felling --------------- Is this he? Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. The Proger Brothers. No. 3. County: Suffolk Country: England In Mar 1641 , Edward, eldest son of Lewis Proger of Guernvald, was admitted to Gray's Inn. (Foster). ------------- Suffolk: West Stow, Wordwell - West Stow Parish Registers 1558-1850 and Wordwell Parish Registers, 1580-1850 (Christenings, Marriages, Burials) Monumental Inscriptions. The Edwards Family. Henry Proger. County: Suffolk Country: England Since the death of the nonagenarian Edward Proger on the last day of 1713 , we have seen four successive generations of his descendants enter into possession of West Stow and more or less reside ther ------------ A sister, cousin, or niece of his was: Frances Proger, Abergavenny, Mon WILL Proved 7 May 1733 PROBI1/659 In the name of God Amen I Frances Proger of Bergavennv in the County of Monmouth, spinster. being of sound mind and memory do make my last will and testament in manner following. First I commend my soul to good who gave it hoping through the merits of my blessed Savior Jesus Christ to inherit eternal life and my body to the earth to be decently interred in the church yard of Bergavenny —? my sister Mostyn according to the discretion of my executor hereafter named and as for my temporal estate I give and dispose thereof as followeth First I order that all my just debts be paid also I give to my two nephews Edward Proger and Robert Proger tenn shillings a piece to buy each of them a ring and to my cousins William Proger and Eliz Proger son and daughter of the said Edward Proger halfe a guinea a piece. Also I give to the poore of the said Towne of Bergavenny twenty shillings to be distributed amongst them according to the discretion of my executor. Also I give to Mr Henry Hall the sume of forty shillings. Also I give to my cousin Philippa the wife of the Reverend Doctor Croxall my Sister Mostyns wedding ring and a silver knife and forke and spoone in a case. Also I give to my cousin Catherine Jones of Dingestow. widow, my picture in a gilt frame and my cabinet. Also I give to Mary the wife of Mr William Sanders a picture in a black frame of our Blessed Lord the Blessed Virgin and St Joseph. Also I give my cousin Mary Cowne? two pictures in black frames and one of our Blessed Lord dead by the Blessed Virgin and the other when an infant in her arms. Also I give to my servant Rachel White five pounds and all my wearing apparell both lynnen and woollen except two petticoats and with gold fringe and the other with a gold and silver cord and my best mantua and petticoats being striped --? string. Also I give her the feather bedd and bolster and bedsteed whereof she now lyes with the curtains, vallens, bolsters, pillows, blanketts, rugg and counter pane and a table and looking glass and two pairs of flaxen sheete and a dozen of diaper napkins all the residue and remainder of my goods, chattells and estate whatsoever not hereby before given my debts, legacies and fiinerall expences first paid I give to my god daughter Frances Prodger, and I constitute and appoint my good friend Robert Cown? of Bergavenny. Gent, executor of this my last will desiring him to see it --7 performed And I order that such expences as shall be expended by him in the trust shall be allowed out of my estate. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal the 26 day of March Anno Dni 1731. Frances Proger. Signed. sealed, published and declared by the said Frances Proger to be her last will in the presence of James Jones, George Dinwooddie. This will was proved at London the seaventh day of the month of May in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seaven hundred and thirty three before the Worshipfull George Paul, Doctor of Laws and Surrogate to the Right Worshipful John Bettesworth, Doctor also of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of Robert Cowne the executor in the said will named to whome was granted administration of all and singular the goods, chattells and credits of the said deceased he being first sworne duely to administer the samer ------------------- r

Born: St Martins in the Fields, London, , , England 16th Jun 1621 Baptised:
Died: 31st Dec 1713Buried: Hampton, Surrey, , England 4th Jan 1714

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Edward (Ned) 
) 1621 - 1713
+ post 1631


1615 - c. 1671
Sir Henry 
c. 1620 - 1687


1. c. 1670
) + post 1677

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) + post 1677
) ante 1670 - ante 1733
) c. 1670 - ante 1714
) c. 1668 - 1726
John Proger(s) Herbert 
  formerly John Edwards
post 1691 - 1758 ...
* ante 1713
Henry Proger Herbert 
ante 1713 - 1758
c. 1673 - 1673
* 1674
) 1675 - 1707
) 1669 - 1722
1700 - 1700
) ante 1707 - 1749 ...
1675 - 1736
) 1677 - 1752
1678 - ante 1713
+ ante 1713


???Became an heir of
1615 - c. 1671 (will)
16th Jun 1621Born (birth) London, England
c. 1670Married
) + post 1677
1713Made a will (will)
31st Dec 1713Died (death)
4th Jan 1714Buried (burial) Hampton, Surrey, England
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