Johann Friedrich II Gemmingen von Massenbach , 9th Baron Massenbach in the H.R. Empire, etc. and 2nd Comte de Massenbach in the Kingdom of France (succ. 1728 acc. to primogeniture his 2nd cousin-once-removed Comte Nicholaus I., thereupon re-assuming for himself & subs. issue the ancient family surname "GEMMINGEN"), 20th Feudal Co-Lord (1/4th) of Massenbach (from 1709), etc. (succ.1688 his father Nicolaus Josef I.), Lord of Dieblingen, Altroff, & Moersburg, etc, in the Lorraine, & of Ober- u. Unter-Igling near Landsberg, etc., in Bavaria, educ. Ingolstadt (1705), Privy Councillor to the Prince Elector Palatine in Heidelberg, Neckars-ulm & Neuburg, etc. He was succ. acc. to primogeniture by his son "Joseph I. (1710-1792)". Does this refer to he, but the name is wrong? 23.08.1700 Georges ROUF, laboureur áa Pettring, seigneurie de Fâenâetrange, fondâe de procuration de Marie-Claire MOUDELIN de TOUTENHOUSEN, native de Stootberg, donataire et douairiáere de dâefunt Joseph de MASSENBACH, sgr de Diebling, demeurant áa Landsperg en Baviáere.