Manaton Collingwood Ommanney , PROB 11/2262 14 December 1857 Will of Manaton Collingwood Ommanney , Member of the Civil Service of The Honorable East India Company on the Bengal Establishment of He may have had a daughter called Louisa Costley Ommanney, or else it may be that his widow Louisa Costley?? remarried in Dec 1870 quarter ref. St.Geo.H.Sq. 1a 473 BURNETT Athole St. Geo. H. Sq. 1a473 OMMANNEY Louisa Costley St.Geo.H.Sq. 1a473 WHITAKER Emily Mary St. Geo. H. Sq. 1a473 Harmes John St. Geo. H. Sq. 1a473