Rev. Jaques Sterne post 1680 - 1759
Rev. Jaques Sterne , 2nd surv. son. The Archdeacon was a devoted Whig, a Hanoverian to the backbone; and he held it his duty to support the Protestant succession, not only by the spiritual but by the secular arm. He was a great electioneerer, as befitted times when the claims of two rival dynasties virtually met upon the hustings, and he took a prominent part in the great Yorkshire contest of the year 1734. His most vigorous display of energy, however, was made, as was natural, in "the '45." The Whig Archdeacon, not then Archdeacon of the East Riding, nor as yet quite buried under the mass of preferments which he afterwards accumulated, seems to have thought that this indeed was the crisis of his fortunes, and that, unless he was prepared to die a mere prebendary, canon, and rector of one or two benefices, now was the time to strike a blow for his advancement in the Church. His bustling activity at this trying time was indeed portentous, and at last took the form of arresting the unfortunate Dr. Burton (the original of Dr. Slop), on suspicion of holding communication with the invading army of the Pretender, then on its march southward from Edinburgh. The suspect, who was wholly innocent, was taken to London and kept in custody for nearly a year before being discharged, after which, by way of a slight redress, a letter of reprimand for his trop de záele was sent by direction of Lord Carteret to the militant dignitary. But the desired end was nevertheless attained, and Dr. Sterne succeeded in crowning the edifice of his ecclesiastical honours.[1] PREBENDARIES OF APESTHORPE Jaques Sterne LL.D. 1729-1731. Coll. 19 Apr. 1729 (Reg. 35 f. 85v; Inst. AB 11 p. 181). Instal. by proxy 9 May (AC 1728-47 ff. 19-20v). Preb. of Ulleskelf 1731. ARCHDEACONS OF THE EAST RIDING Jaques Sterne LL.D. 1750-1755. Coll. 20 Apr. 1750 (Inst. AB 13 p. 262). Instal. by proxy 30 Apr. (AC 1747-56 ff. 49v-50v). Res. 30 May 1755 (Bp. C & P xix; Inst. AB 13 p. 421).
Born: post 1680 | Baptised:
| Died: Jun 1759 | Buried:
| Family: Sterne |